The most legal fun you have with mushrooms!
Snyder is hosting another awesome art contest. Like the others, this is a scavenger hunt of sorts. Good luck to all! Keep shroomin'~
Snyder Art Mushroom Photo Contest - How it works...
• 5 mushroom pieces in Snyder's signature drip color
• On, or just off, La Brea and Melrose
• Open to professional, amateur and anywhere in between photographers
• Photo entries must include 1 photo of each piece
• Entries judged as a whole collection
• Buffed pieces become excluded from contest
• Winner announced at undetermined date (no later than 1 week)
• Winner receives 6 layer drip painting of mushrooms on canvas by Snyder
• Entries submitted by either posting at the Snyder's facebook page or
emailing directly to Snyder Art at theartist@snyderartdesign.com

where is the one in the picture, i only found 3, not including that one!